
GLASA Conference Support Fund

Fund Information and Guidelines

A portion of the GLASA budget is allocated to provide support for LAL graduate students to present their research and/or receive training at conferences and workshops. Funds are limited, so GLASA conference support should not be seen as a principal source of funding to attend conferences but as an additional or supplementary resource available to LAL students, to be combined with other funding sources where possible.

How the fund works

  • Funding is distributed retroactively, that is, LAL students must submit an application form by the deadline to receive money in support of their conference/workshop participation that occurred prior to the deadline. You must have already attended the conference before you apply for funding. Funding for conferences/workshops that will occur after the deadline must be applied for in the following funding period.

  • Currently, funding decisions are made per semester, that is, there is a fall, winter, and summer application deadline and decision period in each academic year.

  • Funding will be distributed among all eligible applicants. Once the deadline passes and all applications for a given period have been received, the GLASA executive will decide how to allocate the available funds.

    • The funding available for conference support will vary from year to year depending on GLASA’s operating budget for that year and the number of applications received.

    • Funding may be prioritized by level of participation, with dissemination of research (i.e., presenting at a conference) considered the top priority.

    • In the event that the number of applications received exceeds our budget capacity such that we cannot provide a meaningful amount to each eligible applicant when distributed evenly, priority will be given to those applicants who were ineligible for other funding sources.

  • In the interests of transparency, once the relevant decisions have been made, the GLASA executive will provide a report of the following:

    • total budget allocated to conference support

    • total number of applications received

    • number of applications accepted

    • funding amount per application

    • details of any GLASA conference support funding granted to members of the GLASA executive


All LAL students are eligible to apply, regardless of their level of participation in GLASA activities.

Rules for applying

Students may apply for funding for participation in conferences, research training, and professional development events. This includes, for example, presenting a conference, participating in a summer school or short-course, or attending a conference or a workshop.

Students must complete and submit the application form above by the designated deadline. Only completed, signed forms (including documentation of participation; see below) will be considered.

Only applications for events which have already taken place (i.e. retroactive applications) will be considered.

Required documentation

Students must provide proof of their participation in the conference or training event showing the event date, their name, and their participatory role or presentation title. Acceptable documents are:

  • a scan, photocopy, or electronic copy of an official certificate of participation from the event organizers with the student's name, the date (of the event or of the participation specifically) and the name/type of participation.

  • a scan, photocopy, or PDF of the official event program showing the student's name and the type of participation they engaged in PLUS documentation indicating the student did in fact participate as planned (e.g., travel receipts showing date and location, a photo of you at the conference, etc.).

  • If you are not able to secure either of these types of proof or participation please contact for guidance.

Most conferences do provide certificates of participation (many participants, especially from abroad, are required to get them by their institutions) but they may not mention this publicly or they may only provide them on request. Don't hesitate to ask the conference organizers!

Students must also provide copies of receipts for any expenses that they are requesting reimbursement for.

Please contact GLASA at if you have any questions or problems with regard to documentation.